Living in a large city does have its ups and downs, but the primary benefit that comes from living in Singapore is that the economy thrives and the city on its looks amazing, and it does manage to run itself well. In fact, according to a recent study, living in Singapore is even better than living in Hong Kong, something that does show the uniqueness and dedication offered by Singapore as a whole!
Hong Kong is now ranked 45th, whereas Singapore is now 35th in the list with the best livable cities in the world. That being said, it’s pretty impressive to see this ranking, specifically when Singapore shows its true power to people from all over the world. The jump in rankings comes from numerous improvements in the educational sector.

There were some issues with the Singapore education system, but these were solved pretty fast, and the results you can see now are downright astounding. While there’s always room for improvement, the experience as a whole is certainly one of the most interesting things to keep in mind.
There are some other cities in the world, like Calgary, Toronto, Vancouver and Vienna or Melbourne are at the top of this list. But it’s easy to see what makes Singapore so amazing, the fact that it does look extremely nice and it does tend to bring in front some nice jobs for people.
However, while some cities tend to change their ranking, Singapore has kept its standing, and maybe it will even get to improve that standing in the near future. The weakening of the overall global stability is what brought in front some really interesting situations here.
Singapore has managed to retain its focus, and with the international civil unrest, the city has managed to grow significantly month after month. Even the average global stability score was around 73.4 last year; this year is 71.4 or something around those lines.
It’s hard to figure out what place Singapore will have on this list shortly, but it’s safe to say that if the wages, livability factors, and personal taste remain similar to the current ones, the overall value of living in Singapore will grow. How much will that grow, it’s up for debate. But this does show that Singapore is a downright amazing place to live in and one that you will obviously enjoy quite a bit.
There are lots of categories like culture and environment, infrastructure, education, healthcare, and stability that matter here. If all of these are dealt with adequately, the overall results will be great, and Singapore will continue to go upwards on this list!
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Singapore is also one of most preferred city for property investment among investors.
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