JadeScape Balloting Sales

Long awaited development, JadeScape had its Phase 1 preview last Saturday 22nd September 2018. The good sales response of having more than 300 units sold over the weekend had shown that despite new cooling measures kicking in, new launch condos that are located in a good location are still popular and in demand.




Out of the 1200 residential units in the development, only about 480 units were released for sale on that day. Over 60% were grabbed over the weekend.


This former Shunfu Ville Condo is located along Marymount Road and is within a short 3 minutes leisure stroll to the Marymount MRT station. The Marymount MRT Station is part of the Circle Line. This project is also about 650m away from the Upper Thomson Station. The Upper Thomson Station is still under construction and forms part of the Thomson East Coast Line.


The Shunfu Ville underwent its Collective Sales in 2017 and the plot of land was sold to Qing Jian Realty at six-hundred and thirty-eight millions dollars. Formerly, the huge plot of land which is estimated to be 408,927 sq ft in size housed approximately 358 apartments. The new JadeScape will obtain its TOP around January 2023.



