Shunfu Ville – residents of the sold property organized a farewell property on its corridors

In many occasions, the neighbors you have in the building where you live are almost like a second family, as you share your stories and experiences with them for so many years. So, when the times come to part, you feel the need to do it in a way that will make everybody remember the time spent together. This is what happened in the case of a group of people that owned apartments in Block 317, Shunfu Ville, a property that was recently put out for a collective sale and bought. But, before moving out, the residents of this bloc that lived on the 6th floor, decided to throw a farewell party, on the corridor of their floor.


This building has 358 units and all the residents of these units will have to move out very soon, as demolitions are scheduled to begin at this location next month. Qingjian Realty is the company that won the bid for the collective sale and acquired the estate in Bishan for $638 million. This means that each owner got somewhere around $1.78 million. The property was built in 1985 and now it is going to be demolished, making way for lander and high-rise residences. This collective sale was special right from the start, when it appeared in the newspapers, front page, in 2016, due to the fact that 82% of the owners expressed their agreement for the selling of the property. At that point, the sale of this property was the biggest since 2007, when Farrer Court got sold.

But, it wasn’t such a smooth sale after all. Some of the owners changed their minds and manifested their objections to the sale of the property, but their appeal got dismissed last May, as the High Court did not agree with them. Still, about a week ago, some of the properties residents hurried to get their belongings into moving vans, as they wanted to live before the deadline arrived. But, there are also residents that spent very many years on the property, just like Law Kian Yan, a 41-year-old photographer that lived in that building since she was 9 years old. She and many other residents managed to create a lot of memories on that property, so they couldn’t just start walking on separate roads like strangers.


Thus, in spite of the fact that the property was sold, the friendship relationships of the families living on the 6th floor remained as strong as before. The same floor of the same building appeared in an article in The New Paper, about three decades ago, due to the fact that they had a commonly shared garden on the corridor, which was cared, watered, and clipped by all the residents of that floor. The idea came to the families living there while they were enjoying a get-together for Christmas. Thus, Mrs. Law, guided by the idea that even if money can buy you a better house, they will never buy good neighbors, came with the idea of organizing a farewell party on the same corridors of the 6th floor. Everybody brought in snacks, food, and beverages, and they used the chairs and tables that were found in the dumpster of old furniture that was lying in front of the building, only to return the items where they were found once the party was over.




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