According to the CSC land group, it seems that there was a very powerful response when the Twin VEW apartments launched recently. This massive new launch condominium has 520 apartments, and the buyers already got 442 of them, including 4/6 of the penthouses.
The fact that the Twin VEW apartments are 85% occupied already is nothing short of amazing. The average sale price was $1399, which is quite an interesting approach for something like this. It’s said that the development will be ready towards the end of 2021. We are still ways off from that happening, but it really goes to show that the results can be amazing and more than impressive.
The CSC land chairman released a statement where he said that the company is very encouraged by the strong response they got. You would imagine that, considering that they got such an amazing results from the entire sale. Whether that will transcend to some other projects, it’s really hard to say.
But one of the reasons why this sale went so well would be the great diversity offered in here. They deliver a whole lot of different options and the quality as a whole is quite impressive due to that reason alone. Another major selling point is that one of the neighboring projects was also $200 more expensive per apartment. So it does show that the Twin VEW apartments offer affordability and quite a lot of value in a pretty comprehensive package.
This is a huge thing for CSC land, and things will only get even better as you go along. It really goes to show that the value as a whole is an impressive one, and you will surely appreciate the outstanding benefits if you chose this amazing piece of land.
According to people in the industry, Singapore is set to have no less than 12000 new launch condo units released within the region during this year. If that happens, it would be quite a large number, considering that around 10, 556 units were moved last year. It does show that there are lots of potential benefits coming from this type of sale, but only time can tell if that will happen. One thing is certain, the Twin VEW apartments is one of the latest success stories in the region. And let’s face it, considering the buying rate, this is far from the only success we saw/will see this year!
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New launches that are in West Singapore
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